Bible Studies


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Before beginning this guided reflection activity, we recommend that you read Psalm 19 in your Bible at home or by clicking here. Once you have read the passage, you can begin the activity. Be sure to pause, breathe, and think as you read this activity slowly and reflect closely on what God is telling you through his scriptures.

Guided Reflection of Psalm 19

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.

How is your soul? The culmination of all the parts that makes you, you.
Is it tired? Spent? Crushed? Holding its breath? Burdened? Confused?
Do you desire for it to be revived? Refreshed? Able to exhale and breathe?
The law of the Lord is perfect. Blameless. Flawless. Matchless.
It brings life to that which is dead. Tombs open at the voice of the Lord.
It will renew your soul.

The statutes of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple.

What decision is before you? What uncertainty lies ahead?
Are you standing at a trailhead with signs pointing in all directions?
Do you desire clarity? Insight? The ability to stand confidently.
The statutes of the Lord are sure. Trustworthy. Accurate. Dependable.
They hold under the weight of your trust. They are truer than any compass.
They will counsel your steps.

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.

Where do you find your joy? A completed checklist? A good diagnosis? A filled checking account?
Has your heart become downcast? Discouraged? Anxious? Has a dark night veiled your affections?
Do you desire delight? Elation? To have your heart raptured by gladness.
The precepts of the Lord are right. Good. Fitting. Sufficient.
They are well timed drops of light into the deepest sorrow or hurt.
They will incline your heart to exultation.

More to be desired are they than gold.
What is it you desire? What is it you can not live without? What would you stay up late for? Wake up early to do?
What do you crave? Want? Long for? Yearn for? What do you need?
The words of God are more desirable.
More than gold. More than sleep. More than respect. More than acceptance.
More than the perfect house. More than knowing that we’re needed. More than the hug of a dear friend.
The soul craves their reviving perfection.
The mind yearns for their insightful sureness.
The heart pines for their joyful goodness.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.
The rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold.
Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned.
In keeping them there is great reward.


-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries at Friends Community Church


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Before beginning this guided reflection activity, we recommend that you read Job 37:1-18 in your Bible at home or by clicking here. Once you have read the passage, you can begin the activity. While reading the verses, pause and think about the questions and commentary written in italics.

Guided Reflection of Job 37:1-18

At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place.
Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice.
To the rumbling that comes from his mouth.

Let your mind and heart pause and take a posture to listen.

He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven
and sends it to the ends of the earth.
After that comes the sound of his roar;
he thunders with his majestic voice.
When his voice resounds,
he holds nothing back.
Absolutely nothing.
God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways.

Do you see it? Do you perceive it? He does great things beyond our understanding. Does that scare you?

He does great things beyond our understanding.

Does your inability to understand his actions frustrate you? He does great things beyond our understanding. Does your lack of understanding somehow bring you peace?

He says to the snow, “Fall on the earth,”
and to the rain shower, “Be a mighty downpour.”
So that everyone he has made may know his work,
he stops all people from their labor.

Think about that. So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor. Rain showers, snow storms, and downpours that cause our work to cease, are meant to draw our attention to his work. He says to the snow, “Fall on the earth,” and to the rain shower, “Be a mighty downpour.” So that everyone he has made may know his work, he stops all people from their labor.

The animals take cover;
they remain in their dens.
The tempest comes out from its chamber,
the cold from the driving winds.
The breath of God produces ice
and the broad waters become frozen.
He loads the clouds with moisture;
he scatters his lightning through them.
At his direction they swirl around
over the face of the whole earth
to do whatever he commands them.

He is sovereign. He reigns. He is in control of the universe. He does as he pleases. He is wild. He is good. Rain shows his might in its fierceness and his loving care as it waters the earth.

Listen to this, stop and consider God’s wonders.
Imagine a snowy mountain.
Imagine a starry sky. Imagine a rose.
Imagine a fingerprint.
Imagine a giggle of a child.
Imagine your own heart.
Imagine the outstretched arms of Jesus on the cross.
The creator. Submitting to his creation.
As he gives his life to redeem it.

Do you know how God controls the clouds
and makes his lightning flash?
Do you know how the clouds hang poised,
those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?
You who swelter in your clothes
when the land lies hushed under the south wind.
Can you join him in spreading out the skies?

Yet the God who transcends all, chooses to be near.
Like a parent who bends and stoops to their knee to speak with their child.


-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries at Friends Community Church

The Voice of God

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We have many voices speaking at us. It is important, however, to listen carefully for the one voice that is speaking to us.

Below is a list of verses that mention the voice of God. Read each one. As you do so, write down what you learn about his voice. The attributes of it. Where it’s heard. When it’s heard. The tone of it. Who it speaks to. Its characteristics. What it’s saying. Then read through the verses again and write some more observations on the voice of God. After all that, sit and listen.

Verses on the Voice of God (Click here to open online Bible):

Exodus 24:16; Numbers 7:89; Ezekiel 1:28; 1 Kings 19:11-12; Psalm 29:3-9; Psalm 46:6; Revelation 1:10; Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; John 12:28-30; Hebrews 2:1; Zephaniah 3:17; Acts 7:31; Hebrews 12:25-26; John 10:27; John 8:47; Romans 10:17; John 6:63; Isaiah 30:21; Revelation 3:20; Jeremiah 33:3; Revelation 14:2; John 10:3-5; John 10:16

What did you find interesting about God’s voice from reading these verses? Leave a comment and let us know.

-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries