General Giving Online

1. Online Giving

Fast, convenient, and secure giving for one-time or recurring payments. Create an account to set up recurring payments and to have the ability to view your online giving history anytime.  

While we are glad to offer a variety of payment types, please note that FCC is charged the following amounts for each contribution when processed online:

  • 1% for Bank Withdrawals (ACH)

  • 2.3% for Debit & Credit Cards (VISA & Mastercard)

  • 3% for American Express

    • Note: We encourage good stewardship when using this payment option. It is our hope that no tithe or gift, given to FCC, would result in any personal debt.

Romans 13:8 “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.” (NIV)

2. text to give

Using your smartphone, text friendscc to 833.479.7483 and you will receive a link to our giving page. You can also text PushPay to 833.479.7483 to receive a link to download the PushPay app.

Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions please visit https://pushpay.com/terms. For the Privacy Policy please visit https://pushpay.com/privacy.

3. Giving through your bank/financial organization

If your bank, credit union, etc. has an automatic payment service, you are welcome to have checks sent to “Friends Community Church” at our mailing address: 620 W. Lambert Rd. Brea, CA 92821.


Give cash or checks during the time of offering at weekend services. You may also drop off cash or check donations to the church office. The office is open Monday-Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
— 2 Corinthians 9:11


God’s word calls us to cheerfully give our first fruits to the local church as an act of worship to Him. Friends Community Church is 100% funded by donations from our church family. FCC accepts donations through cash, check, debit and online bank withdrawals.

All gifts are tax deductible, and those who donate will receive a receipt in accordance with IRS requirements each January. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions, or to request an update on your year-to-date giving. 

All donations are directed to the General Fund, unless otherwise noted. Special gifts for the Compassion Ministry or events can be made online or marked on an FCC donation envelope, or written on the memo line of a check. Thank you for supporting Friends Community Church with your time, talent and treasure. 



Is the budget of the church based off the tithes and offerings?

The budget is 100% supported by church family giving.

Is the church a nonprofit organization?

The church is a nonprofit organization. Our IRS classification is a religious, nonprofit organization. This means we are not required to pay taxes; however, we do have a CPA look over our books routinely. There are annual documents we are required to file with the county of Orange and the state of California as a nonprofit organization.

What are some short and long-term goals our offerings are going to be used for?

Our short-term financial goals revolve around our approved budget. We want to fund the Ministry of FCC for the calendar year. Our long-term goals would include the ongoing funding of the Ministry and the reduction of debt due to facility needs.

How are salaries for staff determined, and what does the Bible say about it?                                            

Our elders determine staff salaries and compensation packages for all part-time and full-time pastoral and support staff (1 Timothy 5:17-18). Most churches use public education teacher salary guidelines in determining pastoral staff compensation.

Who makes the financial decisions, and how are they made?        

Our church staff, church elders, and church finance committee collaborate to determine our annual budget. The annual budget is presented to our congregation at our annual meeting in November for discussion and approval. Any financial needs that come up throughout the year that are not in the budget are discussed among staff, elders, and the finance committee.                                     

On an annual basis, how much money comes in versus how much money goes out?

We only spend what comes in. We operate on an approved budget. If giving is behind budget then we cut back on spending to keep in line with giving. If there is surplus money available at the end of the year, our staff, elders, and finance committee determine where those funds will go. In the past, those funds have been allocated to some of the following: debt reduction, savings account balance, and special facility needs or projects.

Does the church tithe to a denomination?

Yes. We are a part of Evangelical Friends Church Southwest. We give approximately 4.5% of our offering to the denomination to help support services to all Friends churches.