FCC Men’s Ministry invites you to a place where we study God’s Word to be fully equipped and accountable to one another. Contact Chris Grattan for more info or find out how you can get involved. Sign up to receive email updates from Men's Ministry!

For questions, email men@fccbrea.org

Upcoming Events:

Men’s Bible Study


New Study: The Book of Galatians

Join a group at any time! Click the button below for more information:

Men's Bible Study groups meet throughout the community every day of the week to build mature men in Christ. Join one of these study groups to fellowship and strengthen your spiritual walk.

Men’s Full House


Hey, kings! Looking for a friendly game with friendly dudes? Join the guys for a competitive game of Texas Hold 'Em. Great fun, fellowship, and a perpetual trophy to the winner. (No money is involved in these games.)

Join us at the church on the third Friday of every month at 6:30 PM.

5:55 Prayer Meeting

A small group of men meet in the 301 Building for coffee and prayer for our church every Friday at 5:55 AM. Pray with the guys or contact Men’s Ministry by clicking here for more information.