Prayer Ministry


Each week, the FCC prayer team and staff pray over specific requests. If you would like to submit a prayer request, please click the button below.


The prayer ministry is designed to encourage all to pray and to rely on God for direction. There are no prerequisites to join the prayer team, just come with a desire to please God. Members receive a weekly email with prayer requests. If you'd like to receive weekly emails, contact Allie Dillon at

Wednesday Morning Prayers

Are you looking for a still, quiet place to listen for God’s voice? The FCC Sanctuary is open on Wednesday mornings from 6 AM to 9 AM. Drop by for any amount of time for low-lighting, distraction-free prayer. Copies of FCC’s prayer requests will be available.

For more information about the prayer ministry, contact the Church Office at

Prayer night

First Friday of Every Month | 7 PM

What is God saying to you in this season? Join us on the first Friday evening of every month for a time of intentional prayer and worship in the FCC Sanctuary.