Upcoming Events:

Click the event for more info:

Women’s Bible Study

Save the date!

The spring semester of Women’s Bible Study starts in January! Click the button below to sign up or get more info about the new study.

Women Connect

Women Connect is a relationship-building ministry where small groups of women of all ages, meet once every month for a meal and fellowship. Discussion topics will vary depending on the ages, stages, and needs of the women in each group.

Join us monthly from January through April 2025.

Click the button below to sign up for a group:

Women’s Book Club

SAT, APR 26 | 9:30 AM | 315 BUILDING

On the last Saturday of every month, our FCC women meet up to hang out and discuss a book.

The April 26 meet-up will include a discussion on The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict. You can purchase a copy of the book by clicking here.

Women’s Apologetics Group

SAT, APR 05 | 10 AM | 301 BUILDING

The Women’s Apologetics Group meets every month to equip women to understand and defend their faith. Join us as we learn together by reading and discussing books on apologetics.

Next reading: Parts 4-10 of “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” by Nabeel Qureshi.

Got questions about Women’s Ministry at Friends Community Church? Click here to reach out to a Women’s Ministry leader.