The Voice of God

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We have many voices speaking at us. It is important, however, to listen carefully for the one voice that is speaking to us.

Below is a list of verses that mention the voice of God. Read each one. As you do so, write down what you learn about his voice. The attributes of it. Where it’s heard. When it’s heard. The tone of it. Who it speaks to. Its characteristics. What it’s saying. Then read through the verses again and write some more observations on the voice of God. After all that, sit and listen.

Verses on the Voice of God (Click here to open online Bible):

Exodus 24:16; Numbers 7:89; Ezekiel 1:28; 1 Kings 19:11-12; Psalm 29:3-9; Psalm 46:6; Revelation 1:10; Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; John 12:28-30; Hebrews 2:1; Zephaniah 3:17; Acts 7:31; Hebrews 12:25-26; John 10:27; John 8:47; Romans 10:17; John 6:63; Isaiah 30:21; Revelation 3:20; Jeremiah 33:3; Revelation 14:2; John 10:3-5; John 10:16

What did you find interesting about God’s voice from reading these verses? Leave a comment and let us know.

-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries