Top 5: Christmas Beverages

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Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
— Romans 12:2

Christmas is a holiday known for many things, but there’s something about Christmastime foods and drinks that distinctly reminds us deep in our guts of the specialness of this season. Some of our most fond comforts at Christmas include tasting hot apple cider at grandma’s house or holding a cup of hot cocoa to keep your hands warm while looking at Christmas lights. If something in you associates certain beverages with tender Christmas memories, then this Top 5 List is for you!

The Top 5 List of Christmas Beverages:

5) Hot Apple Cider

Apple juice is everyone’s favorite childhood beverage, so you might as well try the warm version, right? You can have it regular and traditional like grandma used to make it, or spiced if you’re feeling bold. Stir it up with a whole cinnamon clove for that added authentic warmth.

PRO TIP: Starbucks has a rad seasonal drink on their menu right now called “Caramel Apple Spice” which is steamed apple juice mixed with cinnamon syrup and topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. 

4) Hot Cocoa

A staple of the holiday season. What’s better than a simple chocolate milk made warm to adapt to the cold weather? You can have it simple and chocolatey, or you can add pretty much any dessert-centered additive to it: whipped cream, coffee creamer, peppermint, cinnamon, caramel syrup, etc. Hot cocoa is super simple, but is ripe for customization! It would be higher on the list if it weren’t for the fact that it’s just not as good after Christmas. It should be a nice neutral beverage, but I just can’t do it after December 25.

3) A Glass of Milk

I’m jealous of St. Nick’s jobsite snack benefits!

I’m jealous of St. Nick’s jobsite snack benefits!

We all know that the big man in the red suit requires this as tribute when he comes to bring us gifts late into Christmas Eve, but we mortals like it too! What else are you gonna drink along with your Christmas cookies? Water? Are you a psychopath? Ice cold milk (and maybe the aforementioned hot cocoa) is the only beverage that appropriately pairs with our yuletide confections.

2) Eggnog

Besides being #2 on this list, eggnog has also earned itself the “Most Improved Christmas Beverage” award in my book. Like many people out there, I used to loathe eggnog with the entirety of my being. I refused to even try it! Who in their right minds would ever want to drink eggs? Ever heard of salmonella? 

Calm down, past Travis! First of all, that’s not how eggnog is made; because of modern day advances in food science, it is unlikely for today’s eggnog to have food borne microbes like salmonella (thank goodness for pasteurization). Second, when forming an opinion about something, it’s usually helpful to actually try it. When I finally tried eggnog, my palate exploded! I can’t get enough eggnog now! (Actually I can, that’s a lot of cholesterol. Eggnog is awesome, but drink it sparingly.)

Also, many of us may not think of this, but eggnog makes a great coffee creamer! Sprinkle some allspice on the top for a little bit of extra flavor, and you’ve got yourself a legit changeup to the daily routine.

Honorable Mentions: 

Before we reveal the #1 Christmas beverage (in my humble opinion), here are a few notable drinks that almost made the cut:

  • Orange juice (because it’s cold season)

  • Herbal mint tea (because it’s cold season)

  • Plenty of water (because it’s dry outside and it’s cold season)

  • Peppermint Mocha Frappuccinos

  • NyQuil (have I mentioned that it’s cold season?)

And here is the #1 Christmas beverage in this reviewer’s opinion:

1) Decaffeinated Coffee

“Ew… Decaf? I would never!” 

Just hear me out.

Our world is relentless: we are required to work so hard all the time, and if you’re ever taking a proper moment to not work then there’s obviously something wrong with you. The world tells all of us that we have to be the best at absolutely everything we do (or at least better than our neighbors) even though it is literally impossible for all seven billion people in the world to be “the best.” We have expectations and obligations, some of which we impose upon ourselves, that consume our thoughts every moment. And we humans are merely human. Every morning of the year, we feel like we have to take whatever help we can get to give us more energy and efficiency. Three or four cups of coffee help for a moment and then cause our heart rates to dramatically increase and our brains to feel anxious.

But then comes Christmas, that silent night, to disrupt all of that. On Christmas, we get to take a moment to celebrate and rest (to “sabbath” if you will) with those we love. This period of heavenly peace is not a time for chemically-induced anxiety in the form of caffeine. It’s a time of being in the moment, breathing in the smell of those cookies you just baked, watching It’s a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story on TV, and enjoying the warmth (physical and emotional) of being in the home with your loved ones. 

The “pattern of this world” tells us that these are all inefficient wastes of time, but our God calls us to something better: a renewed and transformed mind (Romans 12:1-2).

Of course I’m not saying that you’ve gotta quit cold turkey: have that small cup or two in the morning while the kids are opening presents, but after that give yourself permission to rest and renew. And when you’re winding down on Christmas evening at Farmer Grey’s party and they’re passing around the pumpkin pie and coffee, you can politely ask for decaf because you’ve already got everything you need in that moment.

The perfect ending of a perfect day.

Did we leave any of your favorite Christmas drinks out? Are there any that should be higher? What beguiling beverage makes you anticipate the Christmas season?

-Travis Morrill
Communications and Facilities Administrator at Friends Community Church

Top 5: Christmas Exclamations

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Great Scott! Gee Whiz! Bingo! All are potential “Hall of Fame” exclamations! But if you’re looking to exclaim something in a Christmassy fashion, then you’ve come to the right place! These are the Top 5 Christmas Exclamations of All Time! Booyah!

The Top 5 List of Christmas Exclamations:

5) SANTA! 

There is no bigger celebrity than the man in the red suit. Hearing children shout his name with glee as they spot him at the mall or in a parade is beyond cute. But for some reason when we do it, all we get is a quick elbow to the ribs from our significant others and people distancing themselves from us. Nevertheless! This year, make it your resolution to recapture that childlike wonder!

4) Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal!

Be honest, how many times have you quoted that line in your life? Probably around 258. Not only is it iconic, it’s cathartic. Not feeling the spirit of the season? Then tell that rude cashier how you really feel while still wishing merriment upon them!


O Holy Night! From the very title, you know that exclamations yonder break! There’s no way to passively sing this Christmas carol. You have to be all in. To the point that you literally fall on your knees. Oh hear the angels’ voices? Nope, that’s just Ralph and Rita rejoicing. And when the music fades, it doesn’t need to be the end! After a brief pause to build the anticipation, you can belt out one more chorus! FAAAALL ON YOUR KNNNEEEESS! By the time you’re finally finished (because you’re passed out on the floor from exhaustion) those listening will exclaim, “Bravo!”

2) Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!

Catchy? Check! Famous? Check! Part of a literary masterpiece? Double Check!! Need I say more? Nope. So moving on!

Honorable Mentions: 

Before we reveal the number 1 Christmas exclamation, here are a few considerable exclamations that almost made the cut.

  • Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!

  • I Did, I Really Did, and I’m Gonna Tell My Dad!

  • You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!

  • You Better Watch Out! You Better Not Cry! You Better Not Pout! I’m Telling You Why! Santa Claus is Coming to Town! (this did come in at number 1 on the list of the Top 5 Christmas Threats)

  • The Bless-ing!

And now the moment we’ve been waiting for: the number 1 Christmas exclamation!

1) Glory to God in the Highest!

No greater exclamation has been uttered on Christmas. And it can be argued that no greater exclamation has been uttered in history! Can you even imagine what that scene must have looked like for the shepherds out there in the dark of the countryside? They were majestically confronted with not only the reason for the season, but the reason for the rest of the year too! The angels awaited this day for centuries and they couldn’t contain their excitement and awe any longer. They had worshipped at the throne of the LORD for millennia, now humans would have the opportunity to see God face to face in the person of Jesus. They’d be able to touch Him. Eat with Him. Laugh with Him. Cry with Him and ask Him questions. When brought to the realization of the grace, power, kindness, and supremacy of God, what can be said besides, “Glory to God in the Highest!”

What about you? What do you love to exclaim on Christmas?

-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries at Friends Community Church

Top 5: Christmas Scents

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The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
— John 1:9

Do you ever find yourself in a vivid flashback just because you smelled something you haven’t smelled in a while? Well there may be a reason why: because of how the human brain is formed, the sense of smell is closely related to memories. So just like when we hear a song that was popular when we were in high school, smells can quickly take us back to the golden days of yore.

The smells of Christmas are distinctive; we don’t usually smell pine or cinnamon as strongly during months that aren’t December. If you get enraptured by Christmas spirit, Advent anticipation, and a dash of nostalgia when these unique smells are in the air, then this Top 5 list is for you!

The Top 5 List of Christmas Scents:

5) Scented Pinecones 

While this scent is fully optional and many can do with or without it, we have to admit that something in us associates scented pinecones very strongly with specific parts of Christmas. When I smell scented pinecones, I imagine myself walking through the aisles of Michael’s helping my mom find Christmas-themed decorations and craft supplies for a pre-Christmas-break grade school project. What’s your hyper-specific memory associated with scented pinecones?

4) Bath & Body Works “Fresh Sparkling Snow” Handsoap

I know what you’re thinking: “Wouldn’t ‘Fresh Sparkling Snow’ just smell like water (which doesn’t have a smell)?” And you’d be correct, except for the fact that Bath & Body Works (or “the ‘Works” as the kids call it) has a whole team of magicians behind them who take all of the smells we ignore or take for granted and turn them into wonders! The ‘Works used to have Fresh Sparkling Snow available as a candle so you could make your whole house smell like it, but I have not been able to find it at any stores in the past few years. If anyone has a candle version of this scent, I’ll happily take it off your hands for you, but honestly you should just appreciate it while you have it. In the words of TobyMac, “They say you never know whatcha got ‘til it’s gone,” but luckily we’ve still got the handsoap to tide us over!

3) Literally Whatever Food is Cooking

Can’t you just smell this picture?

Can’t you just smell this picture?

We usually take typical kitchen smells for granted on the other 51 weeks out of the year, but for some reason there’s something magical about the smell of basic sustenance in the days leading up to Christmas (and even “Leftovers Day” right after Christmas). Maybe it’s anticipation of all of the goodies guaranteed on the big day; or maybe it’s just the extra bit of effort, love, and tradition being poured into what’s being produced; or maybe it’s the notion that Grandma’s ham almost tastes better the day after Christmas microwaved and stuffed into a leftover croissant. All Christmastime foodstuffs have a special scent that is unexplainable.

2) Christmas Tree

You could argue that “Christmas Tree” should be the top scent on this list, and I would definitely understand your reasoning. No Christmas season would be complete without the smell of pine coming from the living room.

That said, the scent of a real Christmas tree does come at a cost: Christmas trees are flammable, they take forever to get properly fitted into the stand, they require watering and other maintenance, and some of your guests (and maybe even your own kids) could be allergic to them. Fortunately, if you weigh the options and choose to take the totally valid fake tree route, there are so many great scented candles and oil diffusers out there that authentically copy the smell of a real Christmas tree (I promise, this list is not an advertisement for Bath & Body Works), Or if you want a lower-effort way to enhance the Christmas olfaction in your home with real pine, hang a wreath on your door so all who enter psychologically associate your house with the holidays.

Honorable Mentions: 

Before we reveal the #1 Christmas scent (in my humble opinion), here are a few notable smells that almost made the cut:

  • All of the other holiday scents at the ‘Works

  • Starbucks at the mall as you walk to your next shopping destination

  • All of your autumn-themed stuff that you haven’t used up yet

  • The inside of a new book you just received as a gift

  • Rain, because the weather is changing

And here is the #1 Christmas smell in this reviewer’s opinion:

1) Coffee on Christmas Morning

This scent is an unexpected sleeper: yes we adults who need coffee to function L-O-V-E the smell of that sweet-sweet bean water any morning, but on Christmas morning so do the kids! As all kids know, you can’t go downstairs to see what Santa brought until everyone in the house is ready. That smell of coffee wafting to the kids’ rooms means that the adults of the house are almost ready to head downstairs and begin all of the festivities. By the time the coffee smell reaches the kids, the Christmas anticipation is at its highest, and then BOOM! the kids explode out of their rooms like a Top Fuel drag racing car the instant they hear the first syllable of “Kids, you can come down now!”

A lot of these smells (especially this last one) don’t inherently have much to do with Christmas itself, but with the anticipation leading up to Christmas. That’s really what this time of Advent before Christmas is all about. The people before Jesus’ time were eagerly awaiting a Messiah, a savior to rescue them from physical realms like a warrior on a white horse, but the almighty Father had something different in mind. Something better. Advent is a time to remember what God’s people were feeling right before God became incarnate in a manger and changed everything forever.

In this time of Advent, let’s anticipate what God has in store for us, and let’s also allow ourselves to be surprised by God. To help get a sense of the anticipation people were feeling for Christ’s blessing, check out Luke 2:25-38 for the stories of Simeon and Anna when they first laid eyes on the Christ Child as well as the first chapter of the John’s Gospel.

Did we leave any of your favorite Christmas smells out? Are there any that should be higher? What sensory stimulation makes you anticipate the Christmas season?

-Travis Morrill
Communications and Facilities Administrator at Friends Community Church

Top 5: Christmas Decorations

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It’s Thanksgiving. You’re sitting around a table adorned with a feast. One by one, the people sitting there alongside you share what they are thankful for and it’s getting closer to your turn. Finally, the “Circle of Thanks” reaches you and you can’t contain yourself. You exclaim with a joyful exuberance, “I’M THANKFUL THAT I GET TO DECORATE MY HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!”

If that is you, if you began preparing to decorate for Christmas in September, then this Top 5 list (and the ensuing debate over the rankings) is for you! And if you don’t even know where to start with decorations and feel lost in the Christmas aisle at Walmart, then this Top 5 list is even more so for you!

The Top 5 List of Christmas Decorations:

5) Nutcracker 

This winter wonderland warrior is a must in the kingdom of Christmas. It has great versatility. It can be placed outside with a few fellow officers to take the night watch, or you can have it stand guard inside solitarily on the mantle. Poised tall and proud. Stoically surveying it’s realm. Its versatility is only outdone by its variety. Soldier, drummer, baker, unicorn, skier, Gene Simmons, lumberjack, hotdog vendor, and even a yodeler in lederhosen. The possibilities are endless!

4) Stocking

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. “What!? The iconic stocking is only number 4! It should be higher! This is the greatest Christmas tragedy since Aunt Myrtle burned the ham back in ’94!” Certainly the stocking is deserving of Top 5 placement in the pantheon of Christmas décor. It’s mentioned repeatedly in Christmas songs and is the vessel by which Jolly Ol’ St. Nick blesses (or curses) us. There’s also something about seeing a stocking hung in front of a slow burning fire that warms even the two-sizes-too-small heart of any grinch. And the fact that you can personalize the stocking until the reindeer come home is a huge bonus.

But here’s the deal: it’s a tad overrated, it can be a fire hazard, stocking holders can be a hassle, you don’t utilize them often, and they aren’t even the size of real socks. Nostalgia gets it in the Top 5, but a low utility score keeps it from the Top 3.

3) Singing and Dancing Christmas Tree

Ahhh, the sweet serenade of an animated Christmas conifer. Is there anything that sums up the holidays better! The joy of Christmas can’t be contained as this tree comes alive with exuberant carols. Branches lift to reveal eyes aglow with the cheer of the season and mouth agape in order to tell it on a mountain. And does this tree only sing? Oh, no no no. It’s a double threat! It swivels back and forth with the skill and precision of a Juilliard-trained dancer. While all of that seems impressive enough to land it at #3 on the list, what sets it heads and branches above the competition is its motion activated sensor. I defy you to present a better scenario than setting this up at a Christmas party, sitting in a nearby armchair, and awaiting Grandma to walk by and fall prey to its sudden exclamation of merriment. Oh Tannenbaum indeed!

2) Nativity

There is nothing more serene, peaceful, and calming to the soul than a nativity scene. It is the reason for the season. It reminds us about what is truly important and harkens us to simplify. Silent Night. Away in a Manger. Little Drummer Boy. The First Noel. Oh Holy Night. Oh Little Town of Bethlehem. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Adeste Fideles. What Child is This? Breath of Heaven. Looking at a finely carved, sculpted, or painted nativity scene while listening to any of these songs is not only emotional; it draws you deeper into the presence of a God who is near.

Do any of you remember mom and dad or grandma and grandpa sitting you down and telling you the story of Christmas while using the figures of a nativity set? When I was a kid, the week of Christmas decorating hit its pinnacle when I finally got to carefully take out the family nativity from the box, gently unwrap each piece from their packaging, and set it up on the sofa table behind the couch. Each year being able to thoughtfully assemble it a different way.

Honorable Mentions: 

Before we reveal the number 1 Christmas decoration, here are a few considerable decorations that almost made the cut.

  • Christmas Village

  • Old Red Truck with Christmas Tree

  • Light Up Reindeer with Swiveling Head

  • Singing and Dancing Santa Claus

  • Christmas Train 

And now the moment we’ve been waiting for: the number 1 Christmas decoration!

1) Christmas Tree

Close your eyes and picture a home decorated for Christmas. What stands front and center? The Christmas Tree. That’s why it’s #1 on the list. Evergreen. Unaffected by the harsh winter. This noblest of firs is the perfect representation of the undying spirit of Christmas. That is, until it dries out and dies in a month. Then we discard it at the curb and allow scavengers to use it as firewood. Nevertheless! Seeing a finely decorated tree through the neighbor’s front window will leave you pining for the day when you’ll visit the Christmas Tree lot….or Home Depot, the more sensible choice.

The Christmas Tree. It is the rare decoration you get to decorate! Star or angel at the top of the tree? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that YOU were the one that was chosen to climb the ladder and place it there this year. Tinsel, plastic icicles, fake snow, popcorn, ribbon, cement handprints, a paper angel with your child’s kindergarten photo on it, that ugly snowman your great aunt gave you for your first Christmas after getting married. You don’t know that you do it, but with every ornament you pull out of the box you have to show it to somebody nearby and explain its origins. Why? Because the Christmas Tree is the source of so many memories and deeply cherished traditions. It reminds you of the people that you have lost. The people that have stuck by you. The people that distance and time has scattered. The Christmas Tree reminds us of what was and fills us with the joyful expectation of a new year and new memories that are just around the corner. Looking to spruce up your house with the ultimate decoration for Christmas? Look no fir-ther. 

Do you agree with this list? Did we leave any off that you think are the best decorations? Can you count the amount of Christmas Tree puns there were in the last entry?

-Pastor Tyler Lemen
Associate Pastor of Family Ministries at Friends Community Church

Back to School: Done

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Today’s devotional was written by Alan Amavisca, the Director of the North County Project. You can subscribe to his email devotionals or find out more about him and his organization at

The words of Job are ended.
— Job 31:40b (RSV)

Have you ever run out of words in the course of praying? Have you ever poured out your heart so fully and desperately in your hope of a divine word or a touch that nothing remained to be said?

Consider the source of Job's own dilemma: bereft of wealth gathered over a lifetime, robbed of his children, stripped of respect, he asked, "Why?" God did not answer.

Job's wife had a suggestion: "Curse God and die." His associates had a response: mockery and scorn. His friends had a conclusion: "You must have led an evil, duplicitous life and God has exposed you at last, you hypocrite!" God said nothing.

Job weeps. He laments. He protests, questions and argues. He lays out his defense while his self-righteous friends alternately pontificate and deride him. Yet no word from God. In desperation, he sighs, "Fine. If I have done evil, then curse me." Then he shuts up.

What is left when our words run out and God still remains silent? Where can we go? What can we do?

Job offers us an example: we wait. In silence. And in faith that God will show up. Job knew he was not talking to a wall or to the cold emptiness of space. He felt unfairly treated and unjustly ignored but he never doubted God's presence. In fact, it is precisely his confidence in God which fuels his protest. So when his words are spent he does not turn away in disgust, he sits at God's doorstep in silence and waits.

Job teaches me two lessons about my prayer life: I do not wrestle fiercely enough in prayer and I do not listen enough when I have exhausted my words.

How would my prayer life change if I prayed with Job's tenacity for that which burdens me, and also committed to listen when words fail?

-Alan Amavisca
Director of the North County Project