
Capable in Baja: Barbara's Story

I joined the Baja Team to introduce my children to missions. I felt that a short weekend trip to Mexico with other FCC children would be a perfect introduction for them, and it was! We had a "mission" to build a house so a family could have a shelter, a home, something we take for granted.

Serving built our confidence and taught us that all are useful. So often parents do everything for their children which sends the message, "You are not capable, so I will do it for you."  The Baja team says, "All are capable and useful to God." 

My family painted, hammered a bit and worked with the children at a Vacation Bible School. We walked through the neighborhood near the "church," which was basically a dirt lot, surrounded by shacks, inviting the children to come and they did, little ones streaming in, holding even smaller kids.  All of us learned that many are happy with very little. The children were so happy with the games and crafts FCC provided. 

This is a great trip for children and seniors. The work was easy if you can handle the heat and bending over. Teddy and Emily Omondi were great leaders, and I would recommend this trip for those who have never been on a mission trip or would like to introduce their children to missions.

The next Baja trip is November 6-8. Click on the flag to learn more:

Volunteering at FCC: Dane & Lisa's Story

 "Allowing God to place us where He needed us has proven to be a wonderful blessing"


"Allowing God to place us where He needed us has proven to be a wonderful blessing"

Lisa and I were interested in fostering a child and had been praying about it. You see, Lisa and myself have a standing joke around here at the Gummig household, that our four grown children have not "produced" any grandchildren for us yet. So we thought foster care would be an option. We found that the answered prayer about fostering was Darcy asking us if we would be interested in teaching Sunday school. We prayed about it and told her that we would be happy to do so in whatever class there was a need. So she gave us the pre-kinder class (4 and 5 year olds). 

First, Lisa and I would have never thought about teaching this age group. But by allowing God to place us where He needed us has proven to be a wonderful blessing. These little knuckleheads have touched our hearts through their comments, silliness, openness, honesty, and innocence. They remind us of when Jesus said  "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:3.

We would highly recommend serving in the Children's Ministry because the kids are a blast!  It is great to see them understand God's word through stories and it helps us to grasp God's word better because we have to bring it down to their level. 

Learn more about Children's Ministry

Immediate need for Children's Ministry volunteers on Saturday evenings. 

Contact Darcy Webster to find out how you can get involved!

Darcy Webster, Associate Pastor