I'm a person who doesn't trust anyone, let alone a group of guys who I don't know with my feelings, and past/present anger issues.
After attending FCC for a few months, men's breakfast, care group, and a men's retreat, I let my guard down (a little) and joined a Men of the Bible (M.O.B.) group.
Through being a part of a M.O.B. group, the Lord has taught me to relax, trust, and to become more involved with the men in my group. Every group is different in how they are run. With each study, I not have a closer understanding of what the lord has and wants of me. I've grown closer to my wife and my brothers the way God has planned for us.
After being in the group for a while, I now co-lead a group in my home. We've become a "Band of Brothers".
For guys who are new to the church or not yet connected, I would definitely recommend joining a M.O.B. group. I've found that most men are lost souls that are looking for help. They have questions about God, the Bible, and how to get involved with the church or serve where help is needed, or are just looking for some insight on becoming more of a Godly husband, father, friend, or coworker the way God commands us to be through the Bible. o matter where you're at, M.O.B. groups are a great place to start.
Learn more about M.O.B. Groups
Interested in joining a M.O.B. group? Check out the days and times they meet, all groups are open for new members. Now is a great time to join!
Not sure which group is right for you? Contact info@fccbrea.org.