Starting the weekend of OCT 10 & 11, Friends Community Church will begin having weekend services on campus! Please join us Saturdays at 5 PM, Sundays at 9 AM & 10:30 AM, or continue joining us online for all three services.
It is of utmost importance for you to feel welcome as well as safe. Below you will find the Friends Community Church guidelines for in-person services. Contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.
To download a PDF document of these guidelines and FAQs, click the button below:
Frequently Asked Questions
What time are weekend services?
Join us at any one of our three services during the weekend.
SAT 5 PM I SUN 9 AM | SUN 10:30 AM
*All services will also be streamed live online at or Facebook.
Will there be children’s programs available during the services?
Children's Ministry is available during the 9 AM service only (click here to view Children’s Ministry details).
Will there be youth programs for my middle school and/or high school students during weekend services?
Yes. Middle school and high school programs will meet on Sunday morning during the 10:30 AM service. Middle School will meet in Building 307 and high school will meet in Building 301. Contact Rob Keller, MS Pastor, and Micah Darden, HS Pastor, for more information.
Will live stream services continue when FCC starts meeting in person?
Definitely! We understand that there are a variety of reasons that you cannot attend FCC in person, therefore we encourage you to attend online. Both FCC Online Church and Facebook will stream all of our services (Saturday and Sunday) live. Visit our homepage for more information.
Will hand sanitizers be available for church attenders?
Hand sanitizer will be provided at all entrances and exits of all buildings on campus.
What cleaning processes are being used to disinfect the facility?
We are committing to abide reasonably with the CDC recommendations for personal health and sanitizing. See the CDC guidance on cleaning and disinfecting to learn more.
Do we have to wear face masks in church service?
Face masks are required for entering, exiting, and at any time 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained with a non-family member. Masks will be made available if you do not have one.
What are the Social Distancing requirements during service?
All who attend are asked to please abide by social distancing recommendations. We encourage you to refrain from hugging and shaking hands. We do, however, encourage a wave and a smile (through the mask).
I have underlying health conditions. Can I attend the service?
If you, or a loved one in your home, is considered at-risk due to compromised health or underlying health conditions, please do not attend and continue to participate in our online community.
Join us for online streamed video get-togethers during all service times as well as our Adult Bible Study on Wednesdays at 6 PM. Click here to watch video services or check out our Facebook page.
What is the easiest and safest way to give offering?
We will not be passing the plate during service. We encourage you to give online at This is a safe and reliable way to give. There will also be offering boxes in the back of the sanctuary if you prefer to give in person.