
Sharing Jesus While at Home

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Who can you share the good news of Jesus with while safer at home? During Wednesday night’s Family Service, Pastor Micah reminded us that each of us has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and God wants us to use that gift to tell others about him. 

Staying home doesn’t mean we stop sharing the good news. It just means the way we share might look a little different. Right now more people than ever are spending time out walking in their neighborhoods. Maybe you can share the good news by hanging a sign in your window or writing an encouraging note on your side walk with chalk. Another great idea for both kids and adults is to write a note of encouragement and send to a family member or friend that doesn’t yet know Jesus.

Click here to watch this Wednesday’s online Family Service and see Pastor Micah’s message.

-Tracie Lemen
Children’s Ministry Director at Friends Community Church