“Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Last week, my sister-in-law posted a verse to encourage her friends. As I read Romans 15:4, sitting in my living room, I found myself feeling a soft simple nudge: “See? I have you, turn to me and my Word!” I have a feeling many of us are looking for encouragement wherever we can find it; a phone call, a Zoom meeting, email, blog, Netflix show, magazine article, or social media. But Romans reminds us that God-breathed Scripture gives us the hope and encouragement we desire.
As I continued reading, the word “patiently” stood out… “wait patiently.” Do you feel like you need an extra dose of patience lately? We are all trying to wait patiently for life to get back to normal and for the crazy to pass. But are we waiting patiently for God to fulfill his promises? Are we reading Scripture to learn more about who God is and what his promises are? Are you clinging to these promises that he WILL fulfill?
As I opened my Bible to turn to the verse that was posted, I continued reading verse 5. God, the God who created the universe and the same God who calls me his child, gives patience and encouragement. I need both greatly… more than ever! I just needed reminding to ask and know who my source of patience and encouragement is.
Chalk art by Darcy Webster. Photo by Lindley Webster.
As verse 5 continues, the words explain why God gives this patience and encouragement, to help us live in complete harmony with one another! I don’t know about you, but as my patience grows thin it is much harder to live in peace. As our “normal” as been turned a little on its side and our quarantine grows longer, the six of us living under one roof are finding it harder to find harmony. But this mother is praying that her family, followers of Christ, are able to give praise and glory to God now and even more when we return to some kind of normal.
You see, I am clinging to God’s Word and his promise that he will give hope and encouragement as we wait for his promises to be fulfilled. And as he gives patience and encouragement to allow us to live in harmony we will be singing his praises now and forevermore. So if you walk into my kitchen you will find these verses on my chalkboard as a soft simple reminder to me and my family where our hope comes from.
What is more encouraging than that?
-Pastor Darcy Webster
Associate Pastor of Operations and Pastoral Care