This post first appeared on Judy Grubaugh’s blog, A Place for My Heart, in May of 2020,
“Who dares despise the day of small things,…”
Friday morning I was sitting on our back patio doing some reading when my mind began to wander, and I found myself intrigued by the vine clinging tightly to the fence surrounding the yard. As I looked at it, my mind took a trip down memory lane to a number of years ago when I purchased that plant. It couldn't have been more than eight or ten inches tall, but I thought it was pretty so I bought it and planted it near the fence in the back yard. At the time, I had no idea what it was or how it would grow. But soon it began to climb the fence and today it covers most of the fence, adding a serene beauty to the yard.
As I sat there mesmerized for a few moments thinking about what that tiny little plant has become, it brought to mind something God said many years ago in regard to small things becoming big things. It was back in the days when God's people had returned to their war-torn city of Jerusalem after being held in captivity in another country. As they began rebuilding the temple of God, it was obvious that it didn't begin to compare with the previous temple—the one that had been destroyed by the enemy. In fact, some of the people thought the new temple was so small and insignificant that it would amount to nothing. But God said its glory would be even greater than that of the former temple. In other words, it would have a greater far-reaching effect because his peace would be there. He then cautioned against making light of small things by asking the question: "Who dares despise the day of small things,...?" Zechariah 4:10
While all of this was swimming through my head, it brought to mind a conversation with a friend a few days before. We had been talking about ministry and how different it is during this pandemic. No longer are we able to meet in large groups, doing the big things in ministry that we're used to doing. In fact, being stuck in our homes, we may be tempted to do nothing. But that morning on my patio God assured me that the little things we do for the glory of God may have an even greater impact than the bigger things we've grown accustomed to doing. Such a little thing may be as small as sending a note in the mail, an encouraging word in a text, a small gift dropped on someone's front porch, a phone call, or even a prayer uttered in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. It may even be a song that has blessed you. Only God knows the far-reaching effect of such a little thing in someone's life.
You may be surprised. God may grow that little thing to be a big thing, just like that little plant in my yard. What little thing will you do today?
-Judy Grubaugh
Women’s Ministry Speaker at Friends Community Church
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