“Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.”
Photo by Judy Grubaugh
One morning not long after the stay-at-home orders came into effect, I came across the above words of Jesus, and they have been ringing within me ever since. They were words he said to a people who lived long ago, but that recent morning he spoke them directly to me, reminding me that even though much has been taken from us, there are many things that remain; one of which is God’s holy word, the Bible. That morning, by his tender loving words in the Bible, the Lord’s instruction to me was to strengthen his word in my life. As I read them, he also brought to mind the words of the prophet Isaiah who said the grass will wither and flowers will fade, but God’s word will endure forever.
Yes, many things we have taken for granted have withered and faded away. Simple things like being able to hug a friend or shake the hand of another. No longer can we do that. Nor can we enjoy the simple pleasures of life like going out to eat with friends or family or even meeting a friend over a cup of coffee, and perhaps most difficult of all, the freedom to see those we love, face-to-face. Yet what an opportunity we have to strengthen the one thing that will remain forever, God’s holy word.
That may mean starting each morning in its pages, savoring one special verse. It may mean sharing its truth with those with whom we are confined. It may mean reacquainting ourselves with some of those captivating Old Testament stories by reading them to our children, perhaps even to our spouse. It may mean taking time to pray the truths of Scripture over those we love. In whatever way God nudges your heart, do it! When this is all over and these stay-at-home days are but a memory, life can and will be much better than ever before if we take the time to strengthen what remains.
And don’t forget, as we strengthen God’s word in our lives, God’s word will strengthen us!
“The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever.”
-Judy Grubaugh
Women’s Ministry Speaker at Friends Community Church
Check out FCC’s Women’s Bible Study messages every Tuesday for more from Judy and other speakers. Click here to listen to past messages.