Yosemite, Part 3

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This post first appeared in July of 2013 as a devotional from Barclay Press.

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Vogelsang is beautiful. The air is crisp and there are two amazing lakes right outside camp. The meal that evening was very tasty and we ended the evening with a nice hot cup of hot cocoa. It was a great time of sitting around together, laughing and sharing about the day’s hike and that we had accomplished something pretty grand.

The next morning, Brian informed us that he banged up his ankle pretty bad and was not going to be able to continue the hike. My guys and I stayed behind while the rest of the group continued on the journey. We decided to make a day of Vogelsang and explore while Brian recouped.

We explored Fletcher Lake and Booth Lake walking around the lakes and just hiking around camp. We ate lunch, shared some more stories, laughed and took a nap. We left camp that afternoon and headed back the way we came in.

There is something amazing about arriving at your destination. There is a sense of accomplishment even when the desired outcome didn’t happen the way we planned. Few attempt what we did that summer. More than 4 million people visit the park every year, only 15,000 visit the wilderness areas (94% of the park is wilderness).

The Apostle Paul talks of fighting good fights and finishing strong. We are daily confronted with battles and competition that need to be fought and races and deadlines that need to be completed. Finishing strong doesn’t always mean winning.

Prayer Suggestion: Pray for the ability to finish each day strong, focusing on how well you completed the day.

-Pastor Rick Ellis
Pastor at Friends Community Church