“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a LIVING BEING.”
One of my consistent prayers for FCC leadership has been to have strong abiding relationships with the Lord individually, in order to make an impact corporately.
Photo by Lani Darden
It is evident in the light of these circumstances that we are a Church of not just “human doers,” but “ human beings." We can all “do” a lot to help others in need and that is impactful, but when we are “being” who God creates us to be in our souls, then what we “do” is more than just a physical impact... it is eternal!
Thank you for being a Church that is being a living sacrifice, finding your strength and power in him, that you may serve from his strength and not your own. There is much soil being cultivated right now, and I am excited and anticipate much fruit in the days to come! Blessings to all!
-Lani Darden
Office Staff-Member at FCC