
Reconciliation Banner.png

*Before reading this devotional, please read Philemon 1:8-21 (a relatively short passage) in your Bibles at home or by clicking here.

Have you ever considered how many times you have ever asked for forgiveness? Just consider your spouse. There are multiple times a day when I have asked Monica to forgive me for something I have done or said. At work there are times when I have to ask a customer to forgive me for something that happened in my store. Maybe our customer service was lacking, but since I am in charge it is my fault.

One of my favorite Bible stories is the prodigal son. Here is a young man who asks his father for his share of his inheritance. In a real sense he is telling his father, “I wish you were dead!" Now give me my money!” Fast forward to the end of the story, the young man comes to his senses and wants to come home. He has an apology prepared.

The message of Philemon is a message about reconciliation, making things right. Asking for forgiveness is tough. We have to admit our failures, our wrongs. We have to admit we hurt someone. And we need to be humble. But how hard is to give forgiveness? Maybe tougher. It’s easier to hold a grudge.

We do not know if Onesimus forgave Philemon. The apology of the prodigal son was never given. As he approached the family home his father comes running and embraces his son. The father forgives the son. How many people do you know that have disowned a family member and are unwilling to forgive?

Prayer: Help me to be like the forgiving father. Help me to reach out to family or friends I have disowned because I was unwilling to forgive.

-Pastor Rick Ellis
Pastor at Friends Community Church