Welcome to FCC Chronicle!

When we spend more time at home, we come to the realization that true, beautiful, and positive messages are not always readily available on the internet and social media. Friends Community Church would like to help alleviate that.

Follow along with this page in the coming weeks for daily posts, blog entries, videos, prayers, and devotionals with messages full of hope, truth, and love! You can get notifications of new posts on this page by following us on social media:

During this time, we hope that we at FCC can be an encouragement to you even from afar. So grab a nice warm beverage and join us in our endeavor of Loving God and Loving People as we all strive to be the Church remotely for those who need God’s love.

If you need prayer, you can click here to fill out a digital prayer request, or you can email us at info@fccbrea.org.